Building a Bridge: Rudzani Nemasetoni’s Urban Testaments

15 Nov

In this episode, the Sarahs visit Rudzani Nemasetoni’s modern triptych Urban Testaments I, II and III at the Smithsonian’s African Art Museum. In this mixed media piece, the South African artist combines images of his father’s pass book, a remnant of Apartheid, with salvaged materials from demolished buildings in Harlem. What are the connections that Nemasetoni is asking us to draw by bringing these objects together?

For more on Nemasetoni, please visit the National Museum of African Art’s website.
Music Credits: Nort RV by Blear Moon

2 Responses to “Building a Bridge: Rudzani Nemasetoni’s Urban Testaments”

  1. fiberartnow November 21, 2011 at 11:33 am #

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  1. Ai WeiWei’s “Fragments” « The Art Attack Podcast - August 8, 2012

    […] Rudzani Nemasetoni – Music Credits: Air by SaReGaMa Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. […]

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