Speak out for the Arts Today

20 Sep
                                                 Flag by Jasper Johns
We know that as S^2 listeners, you care about the arts. During hard financial times, arts and museum funding can be viewed as an unnecessary luxury, and is often one of the first places lawmakers look to in order to slash some dollars from the federal budget. We understand that there are some very difficult decisions to be made now, but we would also argue that museums and other institutions of lifelong learning are as important to our society as public schools. These institutions are a major part of what takes a mere conglomeration of citizens and elevates it to a great society. So take a minute to think about how your life has been enriched by museums and the arts, and then tell your lawmakers about it. And if you live in DC and don’t have a voice in Congress, tell your relatives to tell their lawmakers about it!
Still not convinced? Jeez. Take it away, Kevin Spacey….
These are some links to great arts advocacy organizations that will tell you exactly how to get in contact with your representatives, and they even have pre-written e-mails for you to sign and send. How easy is that?

American Association of Museums

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